I am a UX designer who believes in utilizing the power of empathy and connection with users in order to craft functional and desirable products. My philosophy is that people are always happier when they feel understood and have their needs met, and that translates to good design. 

Finding synergy within the needs of the users, the desires of stakeholders, and attainable technological capabilities leads to products which create satisfaction for all. A good foundation in user research is key for success, and building in accessibility from the start ultimately makes products more usable. I believe in interviewing potential users to gain insights sand build empathy, conducting user testing and iterating based on feedback as the product is being built so that by the time it is ready to launch it is functional and intuitive.

I have a professional background in education- including a traditional classroom setting (with a focus on the needs of English language learners), outdoor education, and career training. My experience in these diverse settings has attuned my ability to gain insight into people’s needs, wants, and sense of delight while helping them to achieve a task, and has made me passionate about accessibility and inclusivity.


Contact me in regard to UX design services or art commissions